Friday, September 27, 2013

BC Gonzo Pix of the Week: Week 5

BC Gonzo Pix of the Week
Week 5 aka “Weak of Meth-o-potamia”

So this is the week that show about Meth finally comes to an end. I don’t quite get the appeal. The best I can figure is that people who watch it used to snort meth, still snort meth, fantasize about being a 5 star meth chef, or have fond memories of Tim Watley converting to Judaism so he could tell Jewish jokes. Oh yeah – for all you sportswriters tweeting every 5 fucking minutes about how much you like the show, no one gives a shit. So get back to your mojo wire – you have a deadline. In any case, in honor of that overrated piece of AMC clap trap, this week’s selections will feature the 2 teams from the Land of Enchantment (aka, Rape Country). So there you go…. 
Will Brian Dennehy be enough for Bama?

5 Star Platinum Pick

Georgia -3 vs. LSWho???: Speaking of rapists, LSU’s quarterback/tailback combo of Meth-enberger and Hill broke new ground this summer by publicly coming out and showing the world it’s OK to participate in Felonious Fisting as long as your understanding head coach clears it with the team first. After all, Coach Miles motto has always been: If she’s old enough to sit at the table, she’s old enough to eat. Puppies win by double digits…

5 Star Picks

Bowling Green -14 vs. Akron: After blowing his load against Michigan a few weeks ago, Terry Bowden has resumed his campaign to promote awareness of the Association of Morbidly Obese Coaches, and his Zips have resumed their bottom feeding ways. After his beat down by the (atlanta) Falcons, Bowden frantically searches for the nearest all you can eat frog leg bar at the local Big Boy restaurant.

Stanford -9.5 @ Wash State (Seattle): This past week’s terse handshake between Mike Leach and Paul Petrino apparently was caught on a local TV station and featured the testy Cougar coach telling Petrino to “fuck off and go jump on your jack-leg brother’s hog”. Sadly, his cranium is pickled from years of slurping Bloody Mary’s and doing lines off Key West hookers, and his Cougs will be no match for the Trees.

4 Star Picks

San Jose St +10 vs. Utah St: The Aggies go from Trojan land to Spartan country this week, and somewhere in there is a joke about ancient Greek soldiers and rough anal sex, but I can’t bring myself to come up with one.  Anyhaught… after losing last week’s pillow fight against Southern Cal, USU comes out flat in Sharknado Land and fails to cover. Chris Colley must be rollin’ over in his grave….

Kent St +2.5 @ W. Michigan: If no one shows up for a game at rickety Waldo Stadium between 2 poodles with no combined FBS wins, does it actually exist? Where the fuck is Waldo, indeed? Wow – I must be desperate picking this game – almost as desperate as that time the Fixer and I were so hungry, we resorted to eating packs of mustard behind an Arby's in Kalamazoo....

3 Star Picks (shits and giggles picks)

New Mejico +2.5 vs. UNLV: On to Albuquerque, known mostly for tequila infused sopapillas, raging alcoholic Indians, and the trail of slime left behind from Steve Alford as he got the fuck out of dodge. Oh yeah – and a certain show about Meth (Goddamn, dude! I’m gonna have a Breaking Bad viewing party, and we’ll discuss the plot twists during commercial breaks.... And then we’ll do Meth…And watch it again)....  As I’ve constantly reminded you this year, load up against the on-the-take Rebels.             

Ole Piss +15 @ Bama: Coach Bucktooth is taking the Black Bear nation into the 20th century – what with new purdy uniforms, using that new-fangled internet gadget, and finding ground-breaking new ways of digitally funneling dirty money to recruits. Too bad the rest of that asshole state still romantically views the help with creepy, disturbing, romantic, delusional notions of days of yore. Anyway, I look for Mi$i$ippi to keep it close in Brian Dennehy Stadium.

San Diego St -17 @ New Mejico State: Thankfully and painfully, my tired, methed-out jokes about Meth and New Mexico come to gloomy end in Las Cruces. The country’s worst team not named UMass takes another reaming at the hands of the Ass-Tecs. There’s a New Mexico??

OK For Now,
BC Gonzo

The Fixer's Week Five Prognostications

Week Five:

I was recently making fun of the numb nut “Power Rankers” who spend their time telling us who they think are the best at doing whatever in college football, get it? So I posed the question to many of the hammerheads to find out what exactly is the difference between ranking some category and “POWER” ranking some group of whatever. Turns out, some of these guys actually amass data Moneyball style, and as I do, props, have a scientific method to their madness. Other responses to my question included the “Screw you, hack!” & “Your(sic) an idiot”… typical of amateur wannabe bloggers disguising themselves as Twitter celebs. As far as GonzoFixer is concerned, one day we fully expect our data to wake up ala Cyberdine Systems and kill us all…

OREGON ST -11 vs Colorado- Like clockwork, when expectations in Corvallis are high, they disappoint. So after the rats have fled the ship, I expect the Beavers to throw out a Hong Kong Stomp…

NC State -23½ vs Michigan Directional School #273- The Wolfpack’s coach used to stomp on the nuts of the Chipmunks when he was winning conference titles in DeKalb, Illinois, not East Atlanta. Regardless, expectations in Raleigh have not passed earlier hope that Hangover III would rock…

SMU +20 @ Texas Christian- There are millions of people living in the Metroplex, but only hundreds of losers think that spending their Saturday watching these two teams play football (like old people fuck) is entertainment. Cow tipping season must be over…

SOUTH CAROLINA -7 @ Middle Florida- Rumor has it that the Chickens needed to prove they could win a non conference game out of the state. But in reality, the clowns running the Palmetto Bug State are doing a comprehensive cockroach bombing of the entire landscape, those who are incapable of fleeing will just get dumber…

EAST CAROLINA +12 @ North Carolina- So Keenan Ivory Wayans Stadium is going to be decorated to celebrate their tradition of heritage that is a remedial boring state flag. Maybe they should put their funds towards monitoring all the rampant academic fraud and booster-sponsored automobiles.

UCONN -1 @ Buffalo- Why would anyone care about his game if they didn’t bet on it??? I’d rather watch the 1978 Sabres/Whalers double OT clash than see even one punt in this pillow fight…The Fixer Askew Point Spread Index threw up a high red flag on this one, I think something’s rotten in Denmark… Or just good cheese…

LA TECH +2 vs Army- Hey Kids! Do you like terrible coaches??? Do you like seeing no talent assclowns getting jobs bc their daddys know someone??? Then man, do I have the school for you to root for! Skip Holtz could fuck up a cup of coffee if you let him, but his decrepit daddy Lou doesn’t own any Starbucks in Rushton…

SAN JOSE ST +9½ vs Utah St- The whores who screwed over the Bay Area to get a new 49ers stadium hours south of SanFran are now bidding to host the CFB Playoff in 20-whatever. I hear that new joint will have machines that wipe your ass and Tweet your disdain for your coach all at once…

Totally Awesome!!!

Kent St/ Western Mich Over 52- The last time I saw a Golden flash and a bronco in the same place, I was in Tijuana

Iowa/ Minnesota Under 47- “I don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. All I have is fuckin’ Floyd!!”

Akron/Bowling Green Over 52- The  local Golden Corral in BG has shipped in the heavy duty Las Vegas Chocolate Fountain with Bowden in town…

Boise St/ Southern Piss Over 55- One day when I’m old(er) and mellow, I hope to tell my grandchildren about that silly time in history when schools thought it was cute to play on colored plastic…


Friday, September 20, 2013

BC Gonzo Pix of the Week: Week 4

BC Gonzo Pix of the Week
Week 4 aka “Weak of Brighthouse Blues”

This week, Gonzo’s Low Rent Radio Road Show took him to the cesspool of Orlando – otherwise known as the anal fissure of Flore-Duh. The radio callers are imbeciles - you could combine their collective college football IQ and sense of self-awareness and it still wouldn’t be higher than the average BMI of your typical central Florida citizen. Sage Advice for the local Cougar Beasts: cellulite is not a good look. The only good thing to come out of the Treacherous trip was hooking up with an inexperienced Delta stewardess in a flea-bag airport no-tell during a layover and ending our session with a jelly doughnut. But we’ll get into that later….  

  Offical Valtrex Spokesman

5 Star Platinum Pick

Tennessee +16 @ Florida: After getting prison-raped by the Swoosh Boyz last week, the pre-season adulation and premature ejaculation of Butch Jones (or Coach “BJ” as the rube fans call him) and the Hillbillies came to a screeching halt in Autzen. At least, this week, they’ll keep the score respectable, as the Gay-tor pop gun offense will struggle once again. Afterwards, rabid UF students celebrate a close victory by throwing urine balloon party in the dorm rooms.  

5 Star Picks

Virginia Tech -9.5 vs. Marshall: Frank Beamer and the Fightin Herpes look to get their mind right against the Thundering Turd. I look for this to happen as Beamer pops a pre-game Valtrex to stop the hideous break-out on his neck and the offense to get going finally. After this beating, Marshall will resemble a train wreck… or a plane crash…or a Matthew McConaughey flick…   

Michigan St +6 @ Notre Dame: Despite persistent rumors, there’s no truth to the rumor that Notre Dame has more virgins per capita than any major university. Especially, when you add pederast priests to the mix…. This week, the 2013 Irish look to finally bust their cherry against a team with a pulse, but my Spidey Sense tells me M$U will give the Irish quite the tussle. Or is that David Berkowitz’ dog talking to me again…

4 Star Picks

Boise St +4 @ Fresno St: The city of Fresno is an unfortunate combination of Jesus Freaks, inbreeding, dirty politicians turned farmers, and a weird commune for former bestiality addicts. Football might be the tie that binds this horrific mix of toxic waste, but they‘ll be disappointed once again on Saturday after yet another Buckin’ Bronco beat down.

UNC +6 @ Ga Tech: Saturday - It’s the Place to Be: Midtown Atlanta! Freeks at Muzak Midtown and Geeks at Bobby Dodd Stadium. I’m not sure what will be scarcer – 1) the integrity level of UNC academics; 2) non-Asian co-eds in the GT student section; or 3) the talent level oozing off the Yeah Yeah Yeahs stage. In any case, look for the Hatless Fedoras to possibly pull off the upset.

3 Star Picks (shits and giggles picks)
Wake Forest -2.5 @ Army: Is it just me, or do all starting Deacon QBs have the whitest names on the planet? Tanner Price, Riley Skinner, Corey Randolph? Sounds like a pledge class at a racist Alabama old row frat. Even cracker frat boys could beat Army these days. Deacs roll over the Kilbot Factor on the banks of the Hudson.

Air Force +5 vs. Wyoming: Speaking of military schools (we’re not talking about you Texas A&M. You’re fake) that should drop football, the Luftwaffe is sucking the hind tit these days. And speaking of white boys, wasn’t their former coach that said they had too many? Anyhaught, the Fly Boyz might be getting one of their last victories of the year over the shit brown clad Pokes from Laramie.

Southern Cal -6.5 vs. Utah St: Lois Lane got a stay of execution from Governor Haden last week and looks to prolong the inevitable shit-canning this weekend against the limp-wristed Ags. Afterwards, Kiffin continues his bizarre victory celebration tradition of downing 6 Irish coffees mixed with his wife’s breast milk.  

OK For Now,
BC Gonzo

The Fixer's WEEK FORE: So... Which One Are You???


So which one are you???

Sports fans can be divided into 3 groups: Group One is comprised of the fans who are stupid enough to be Jedi-mindtricked by all the two bit hack "writers" out there into believing and caring about all the non stories they blow out of proportion. Tim Tebow shits in the woods, I know what he had for lunch! Nick Saban to Texas? Brett Farve’s dong on Twitter! Gullible mouth breathers, the undecided voters, the "people" who vote for the People’s Choice Awards, that’s the only way to explain how Adam Sandler keeps winning for the abortions he passes as movies. Advertisers make millions telling these idiots how awesome a fucking taco made out of Doritos is, and these fools scarf them down by the box full. So which one are you???

Group Two are the angry, paranoid, mentally unstable fans. They sit and wait for one of these writers to make any comment or pen any piece of crap column that in any way attacks, suggests, or breathes on their favorite team. "Ohio St cheated??? No way, fuck you, I hate you, I’m gonna rip out your spine and kill your whole family!!!" My own personal definition of a red neck, or hick, hillbilly, white trash, Mainiac(from Maine of course), window licker, etc is very extensive in getting outlook, attitude and irrational thinking out there for everyone to understand. One key piece of that Red Neck definition is anger, they’re ALWAYS pissed of about something. The paranoia and inbred eyes are two other easily spottable traits. Once they learn to use a computer or a phone, they attack with pure hatred, anyone who dares give an opinion of their favorite sports team. So many of the hack writers purposely cater their poorly written attempts at journalism towards riling up these troglodytes. So which one are you???

Group Three is the smallest in polulation, they are the ones who just show up in front of their TV or at the stadium and watch the games. They read the articles in the paper or online to get stats, interesting info on the game or whatever. They are unaffected by the trolling hacks, the internet rumors, the Power Rankings or whatever garbage the other two groups live & feed off of. They don’t wear jerseys, they don’t take their shirts off in January in Green Bay, and they are mostly college graduates. The sports media HATES these people, bc they aren’t emotionally unstable in either direction of the other groups. They aren’t swayed in one direction by some hate piece drummed up to elicit an emotional response. They have other things on their mind during the week than sports and rumors and heresay and what scum bag internet baffoon thinks is the Real Deal or whatever…
So… which one are you???

LSU -17 vs Auburn- The time I’ve spent in Alafuckinbama this summer was utterly pathetic. The local radio mouth breathers were put under pressure to talk up the Tigers so that their white trash followers wouldn’t band together and refuse to listen to their program because some people would actually tell it like it is: You roll metal poles! You suck! Wow! A white trash tradition of heritage if I’ve ever heard of one… Then we get to The Pelican State, where mud-stained rubes talk with pebbles in their mouths and eat anything that ever had parents as they slowly sink into the Gulf of Mexico.

PITTSBURGH -3½ @ Duke- The Pirates are finally gonna turn the corner, so who the hell is watching their milktoast amateur football team and who the hell knows what conference they play in? I suppose they’re just happy that a 6-6 season won’t relegate them to another bowl game in Bombhingham… What?? Too soon?? If you think that comment was offbase, just go to, click on any Civil Rights article and go read the comments... It'll really disappoint you that people still think like that...

TENNESSEE +17 @ Flor-Duh- This may be the worst primetime game that Verne The Hutt has ever attempted to comment on to his clueless mouth breather audience. UT fans should be aware of their Gayter counterparts pissing in cups and dumping them over the rail onto the unsuspecting hillbillies… But that's as close as some of them will get to a (golden) shower in the next month.

UTAH +7 @ BYU- I like early and midseason rivalry games, so I have always watched bit & pieces of The Mormon Moron War. Although, its hard to get behind two fan bases who rat out their own fans for smuggling contraband into the games and signing honor codes that they won’t drink Diet Pepsi Free and load up on Prozak but not Chewy Flintstones Vitamins.

MICHIGAN -17½ @ UConn- Rumor has it that in 2004 some UM alum bet his insurance agent from Stoors a case of beer that the Wolverines would win a NC in any sport before his Huskies kissed a trophy. Then a couple of years later, he went double or nothing, which turned into his football team having to travel to a 31,000 seat stadium to play a nonconference game in the shadows of all the Hartford miniscrapers.

WEST VIRGINIA +5 @ Maryland- Good news fans! Looks like these two pillow fighters will keep playing each other, which means FOX1 has set its schedule for September for the next 8 years. Looks like FXXXXX will have to settle for Temple vs Villanova for now. I haven’t been able to sleep the last few nights just thinking about the uniform monstrosities these second rate programs will upchuck on us. When did gray become an official school color of so many schools???

TENNESSEE DIRECTIONAL SCHOOL #148 -3½ @ Florida Oceanic Academy- Both schools graduated to a new conference after being held back a number of years for not being able to run programs at a C+ level. I knew a kid in 6th grade that had failed so many times he could drive to school. And it became a huge issue for the principal to allow the kid to park his car in the faculty parking lot since there was no student parking for 12yr olds! Go figure in Bham City Schools… Later that year he robbed Munchie’s Food Mart and they arrested him later in our Social Studies class.

THE ALAMO -2 @ The Pass- Too bad Mike Price retired to Pensacola Beach, it would have been fun seeing two old coots attempting to tell 19 old urban kids from Houston & Dallas to play disciplined and go to class. San Antonio attracts tourists to visit the Riverwalk, and learn about the rich history of the Lone Star State; El Paso attracts river rats and drug dealers to their dusty hellhole excuse of a town where it rains mud and sand is the official beverage…


Ball St/ EMU Over 57- No one plays defense

LSU/ Auburn Under 55½- LSU plays defense

Alabama/ Colorado St Over 51- The Tide usually plays defense

Syracuse/ Tulane Over 54- Dome teams play no defense



Friday, September 13, 2013

2013 BC Gonzo Pix of the Week: Week 3

BC Gonzo Pix of the Week
Week 3 aka “Weak of Morbid Obesity”

I’m in a particularly foul mood tonight, as I’m working on 2 hours sleep after spending the better part of 3 days in Minnesota consulting with my sketchy, money-grubbing attorney (for anonymity’s sake, we’ll call him “J. Sheehan”. No.. that’s much too obvious. We’ll call him “Jack S.”) and doing 3rd tier Twin City radio shows lucky enough to have frequencies reaching Duluth. In any case, at least Gonzo’s team gleaned 3 very important insights into the North Star State: 1) The majority of the population does, in fact, smell like Ketchup and Ranch Sauce; 2) They’re very proud to have welcomed their 38th black citizen this year; and 3) Sans-a-Belt slacks are mandatory for males over the age of 26. Gonzo’s Week 3 Sage Advice: Never Move to Minnesota… 

    The all-you-can-eat Sizzler is that way??

5 Star Platinum Pick

Rice -6.5 vs. Kansas: Coach Front-Butt has been chirping on radio shows all summer about the Jaybirds’ marked off-season improvements and the significant advances in gastric bypass surgery techniques. Normally, he likes his rice shit-friend and slathered with gizzards, but I have a feeling he won’t like the helping the Owls will dish out to him in the Houston wastelands on Saturday. Afterwards, in a gluttonous rampage, he consumes the corpse of Ken Caminiti (What? Too Soon?). Give a Hoot! Read a Book!

5 Star Picks

Texas -2.5 vs. Ole Piss: “Here I sit, buns a flexin’, giving birth to another Texan”. Ah – the days of bathroom graffiti and cheap laughs. Even though Mack is a dirt-neck from Tennessee, he epitomizes what it means to be a Texas Turd. This is a classic sucker bet line for the uninformed legions of water heads, and I’ll call for a double digit Whorn win over the Buck Tooth led Black Bears.

Ohio +8 vs. Marshall: Another week, another DUI-scarred coach still trying to whip his drinkin’ problem. Frank “Steke Stife” Solich might be a vicious drunk, but the inebriated, stoned-out Ohio fan base is too bombed out to notice or care. In any case, look for the BobCocks’ stout ground game to propel them to an easy cover in Sloan Peterson Stadium.

4 Star Picks

Texas A&M +8 vs. Alabama: Johnny Manzeer might be a sniveling, bratty redneck with a horrific pock-marked face scarred by endless sessions of meth and Molly, but the boy sure can run! And that’s really all that matters in the semi-pro SEC. Look for this snotty cocksucker and the Collies to possibly pull off the SU win in front of 90K Davidian-esque aTm fans/cult members. Just please refrain from bon-fires afterwards…

N. Texas +3 vs. Ball State: In his 3rd year, Dan “Don’t Call Me Cousin Eddie” McCarney finally has his system in place in this dreadful Dallas suburb/garbage dump. And there is no way he lets the Fighting Testicles come into Denton and keep their perfect season alive. I see the Mean Joe’s putting this away early and Coach McCarney treating the team to a celebratory all you can eat Tuna Helper buffet….

3 Star Picks (shits and giggles picks)

W. Kentucky -9.5 @ S. Alabama: The Bobby Petrino drunken road orgy heads down to L.A. this weekend to take out their frustration and blow their loads on Joey Jones and the hapless Jag-offs. Warning for the ‘Topper faithful who make the trek down from Hillbilly Country: if you think the air in Bowling Green is bad, try being in Mobile at night with a head full of rotten cocaine and Wild Turkey, while sitting through a shit game in front of 8,000 fans in Ladd Stadium ….

Oregon St +3 @ Utah: Urban legend has it that Bear Bryant was the person to coin the term Milquetoast to describe Mike Riley during his playing days at Bama. Apparently, his group of stinky Beaver teams have largely adopted this as a program motto during his underwhelming tenures. This week, though, the Beavs should have no problem making the Utes into an after-birth cocktail.  

Wisconsin +5 @ Arizona St: So Wisky’s new coach is a Moral Avenger because he personally told every Utah State player he was leaving (He even cried and hugged a few!!) Whoopity-fuckin’-do! The only thing that separates him and Thugs like Kiffin and Franchione is videoconferencing capabilities. All coaches are Treacherous. Anyhaught, look for Wisky to give super seedy Todd Graham a tussle in the herpes-infested Tempe desert. 

OK For Now….
BC Gonzo

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Atlanta Fixer's Week Three Prognostications



I received a Groupon offer yesterday, and it got me riled up… In a couple of weeks, the city of Birmingham will host the Southern Women’s Show in one of their run-down, asbestos-filled convention halls, where mold & cockroaches hold daily festivals of comfortable living... The show will feature the dirt spitting matriarch of that bayou inbred family that sucks the collective intelligence out of their viewers each week those garbage peddlers are allowed to be broadcast. You have your flaming male chef, your pseudo-elitist fashion snob & a troop of white prudes hell-bent on keeping Confederate Couth alive and well… I’ve said it for decades, but Gone With The Wind ruined this part of the country; it has turned every deep south female into some deranged debutante who thinks they deserve to be treated like a queen. I shouldn’t shit all over them however, by getting these ladies out of the house, the show will probably save many of them from drunken beatings by their common-law husbands once their favorite team goes down in flames…


Louisville -13 @ Kentucky- The Battle of The Bluegrass(GF trademark pending) should turn into a pillow fight by the time Rick Pitino finishes his brunch of Eggs Benedict, home fries, mimosas & the ass of a 40yr old bleach blonde daughter of a former horse owner of a 7th place Derby finisher… Any other reason to care about this game other than the line???

Georgia Tech -8 @ Duke- Fade the Devils until they start playing in Cameron Crowe Indoor Stadium. Even the most diehard Techie has come to the realization that a Gator Bowl appearance sets the bar. And is there anything worse on this planet than a Duke basketball phan trying to pretend he/she knows a goddamn thing about football???

Central Florida +6 @ Penn St- George O’Henry played up in Akron last season and now he takes his team to Surprise Valley, must be that yearning to be in Northern Indiana, where loads of mushroom personalities attend school and try to shed the personae of Beer Pong wastoids and being in the weekly DAR of The Chive.

UTSA +26½ @ Arizona- Obviously, I have a place in my heart for the stadium that was used to be the home of the Adams Atoms. If only we could harness the energy of that time and bring it to the the level of tricycle beer slamming and limp-wristed javelin tossing. I hear Rich Rod was the honorary belching contest champion…

Virginia Tech -7 @ East Carolina- Looks like inexperienced QB Logan Thomas found the broad side of a barn last week, he may be working himself into a 3rd string role with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, exciting! As far as what your entertainment dollar gets you in Green(e)ville, you’re better off picking out the skuzziest guy in the bar and asking him to kick you in the nuts and take your wallet, well hell, he may even give you a reach-around…

Rice -6 vs Kansas- What else is there to talk about in this game than the Jayhawks portly front-butted coach with a haircut you can set your watch to. The fact that those turds in Northern Indiana have paid that Hutt millions reinforces their expertise at bad hiring… But he DOES have a haircut you can set your watch to... 

Southern Cal -14 vs BC- I don’t know man, its just one of those games that you see and say, "Shit, dude, that Kiffin fuckstick couldn’t possibly screw up this game, could he??? And man, right, just when you think they are done for, they come back and surprise ya, just like Bobby Labonte did for me in the1998 Cheez-It 500 at the Carson Fairgrounds…"

Texas A&M +8 vs Alabama- Strictly a reverse jinx play here, but if I told you this was a reverse jinx play, would it reverse the reverse jinx??? I may just tune in to Eli Gold on the new home for the Crimson Tide in Atlanta, 92.9 The Fan, in order to avoid the sex cam focused on that little bitch QB.


"Totally Awesome!!!!"

Rutgers/ EMU Over 51- The perfect setting for a backdoor TD with 3 min left and the Scarlet Knights already up 42-7… If the Eagles walk out of the tunnel in those crappy gray unis, you have my permission to throw your nachos at them…

WVa/Ga St Over 56- If only the NCAA would mandate rules like European soccer that relegates the shittiest teams down a level each year… We’d NEVER see the Panthers again, unless they upset Kennesaw St in the Jaw-Juh Low Rent New Program Bowl

New Mex/Pitt Under 52- Will anyone score in this game??? Methinks points will be as hard to come by as a clean glass of drinking water or a packet of Hunts at this game…

Wash/Ill Under 63- I really miss saying "Gad Zooks!", there, that’s the last time it’ll appear, unless he ends up at Central Michigan next season.

USF/FAU Over 43- Directional schools don’t play defense nor do they offer accredited degrees, other than the ones that will allow you comp a potato bar charge at the Lakeland Golden Corral…

Friday, September 6, 2013

2013 BC Gonzo Pix of the Week: Week 2

BC Gonzo Pix of the Week
Week 2 aka “Weak of Ass Games”

This past week, Gonzo began his month-long dreary trek of radio spots on 2-bit sports talk shows in Treacherous flea bag cities, which unfortunately landed him in Knoxville – which is possibly the only place in the world where “fisting” and killing your prey is part of a fine dining experience, but we’ll get into that later.  What can I say – I’ll do anything to tout my sterling 6-1 ATS record from Week 1.  This week’s slate of games is inexplicably shittier than last week’s garbage fires, but at least they’re chock full of slime ball, whiny, sniveling, alcoholic coaches (and those are their better traits…) to kick around.  Anyhaught... onwards and upwards to this week’s selections and of course Week 2’s Sage Advice: Don’t Eat the Brown Acid….
                                                               Leader of Men....

5 Star Platinum Picks

Arizona -10 @ UNLV: Helpful advice for you junkies: go against the Rebs all season. Do It Now!  Sources tell Gonzo the fix is Officially In for their play-uhs and lame-duck rapist coach. Their bank roll at year’s end will rival UT and Butch Jones’ “recently discovered” recruiting fund (as Gonzo’s team found out during our horrific stay in KnoxVegas this week).  But we’ll also get into that later.  This week, Rich Rod’s Sorta Rican offense, which always kicks in Year 2, and the Desert Rats will take it out on the Circus-Circus Rebels.        

5 Star Picks

Cincinnati -8 @ Illinois: Much like Jewish bartenders, most college coaches are Treacherous, but perhaps the biggest slimy jag-off since the Sherrill/Switzer daze is Illini coach Tim Beckman, the only dude with the balls to camp out in Rape Country last year trying to recruit current Penn State players.  In any case, Tommy Tubesteak (the Moral Compass of these 2 jizzwads) can fart off 2 cans of Skyline chili and text his 2 mistresses and his BobCocks will still roll the hapless Injuns in Champaign Supernova.

Minnesota -14.5 @ N. Mejico State: Next week’s Gonzo radio caravan will take him to the Twin Cities, as he takes in a Twinkies game and does a bit on a low rent AM sports station where he’ll desperate fight the urge to use Fargo references and accents – you betcha.  Hopefully this time around, his St. Paul-based attorney won’t make of fool of himself by spilling piping hot wing sauce and bong water all over himself.  At least Jerry Kill and the Gophers will be Half the World Away in Las Cruces (“Hey – we’re, like.. you know… pretty close to where AMC films that TV show about meth with the Seinfeld dentist!!”) putting up 40 plus on the Ags.

4 Star Picks

Toledo +17 @ Mizzou: To paraphrase Gunnery Sargent Hartman: “Who's the slimy little communist shit, twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant by returning for a 2nd year in the SEC? Gary Pinkel, huh?!”  Coach Pinkel might be a 2-timing, alcoholic, spouse-abusing, DUI magnet… But at least he’s not a Communist.  And at least this cold-hearted son of a bitch still has a soft-spot for the Pocket Rockets and will put on the brakes before this game gets out of hand.  Plus he can still get out in time for nickel beer and horse meat tacos in downtown Columbia. 

Southern Cal -15 vs. Washington State: It’s really hard to root for either of these arrogant, entitled, low-life, wretched buckets of shit for head coaches.  But I hate Mike Leach less – only because he will manage to break all of Mike Price’s carousing and drinking records by the time he’s done in Pullman.  After his beat-down in the Coliseum on Saturday, don’t be surprised to find him passed out later that night at Whiskey a Go Go, reeking of dead hooker…

3 Star Picks (shits and giggles picks)

Navy +13 @ Indiana: They say Hoosiers and Semen have similar traits, but this game will feature contrasting styles, what with Hot Head Kevin Wilson’s corn-fed Luftwaffe trying to penetrate the Silly Sailors’ defensive portals.  But this week won’t be easy for the Hicks from French Lick, and we’ll call for the Middies to possibly pull off a SU upset and the locals to begin worshipping their creepy basketball coach earlier than normal.  Kelvin Sampson must be rollin’ over in his grave....

Georgia -3 vs. S. Carolina: After last Saturday’s choke job, the AJC’s headline proudly exclaimed “Dogs run out of time”.  Again….  If UGA’s water-head coaches, media homers, and goddamn delusional fans would ever stop making excuses, then maybe that program could win more than one title every 50 years. Anyway, the Third Richt has to win or he will suffer the same career death spiral fate as his 2 predecessors (Goff poisoning people with fried chicken and Donnan about to serve time in a Federal Pound Me in the Ass prison).

Arkansas State +12 @ Awbern:  Staying in the state of Georgia and sticking with the theme of rube fan bases, we move down to Jurdun-Hare, where the Awbie faithful think they’ve found their messiah in Gus Calzone (“It’s a God and Family Thing down here, cuz!”).  However, the Arkie State boyz will be playing extra hard against their former coach.  ASU keeps it close, and afterwards, creepy War Eagle fans resume their sordid stalking of Bama players and taking pictures of their cars.  Yes, they do that down there. 

OK For Now… 

BC Gonzo

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Atlanta Fixer's Week Two Prognostications

They'll sell millions because people are morons


Let’s shake off the rust and look forward to an uneventful weekend of predictable games… Perhaps when my Labor Day Sweats wear off, I can bring more of a intro to the table.

Tulsa -10 vs Colorado St- The Battle For Colorado turned out to be more of a pillow fight, the Rams have as much talent as an Adam Sandler film and seem to be more interested in a Hot Tub Time Machine-predictable sequel than competing in that 2nd rate conference. The Drillers play in a town that spurns more meth heads than high school graduates…

Cincinnati -8 @ Illinois- One time, in Lexington, Ky, I ordered a bottle of “your 2nd cheapest champagne” and they brought us a bottle of Night Train. Once you get on the Night Train, you never get off, in more ways than one… I also spent a night in a moldy Microtel in Urbana one gamey summer night & can say that the smell of dead cow and rotting corn can make any man submit to sodomy…

Syracuse +16 @ Northwestern- If either of the Mildcats QBs find their way to the stadium post concussed, they may have a fighting chance… And maybe they’ll be brain damaged enough to actually eat one of those new French fry burgers at that royal burger stand(that's always in the worst parts of town) that would sue me for mentioning their name bc no one with a sane brain and more than $3 in their pocket ever eats there… geez... I lost my train of thought…

Houston -3 @ Temple- Whatever the f*ck conference these two peckerheaded teams play in doesn’t matter. I blame the execs at That Four Letter Sports Channel for creating the pseudo-hype that freaked out all the cornbread-eating gray hairs who run this sport into gobbling up unwarranted teams like their mistresses gobble up their ear hair off the no-tell motel bed sheets…

Penn St -23 vs Eastern Michigan- I’m not easily impressed… Look!!! A blue car!!! As was I of the Nittany Lions and their spectacular names on the backs of their precious jerseys. Reminded me of the time in 9yr old All Stars when my teammates’ single mom showed up to our game in a bikini and all the coaches crammed in to our van for 30 minutes… Because that was the first time I had my name… nevermind. He was the shittiest player but always taken in the top 10 of the dad's coaches' draft.

Texas -7 @ BYU- Ka-rist! Every time I see one of those goddamn Wendy’s commercials with that pretentious rat-nippled redheaded whore, I think she must be really popular among the pasty crosseyed freaks that populate the Beehive state. Plus they’re the only crackers who eat that garbage and suck down multiple frosties before going home to fire up the crock pot

Michigan -3½ vs Notre Dame- There will be a lot of sausage eaten in the parking lot before this game kicks off. And that doesn’t include what’s on the grill… I loathe at the sight of 100k obese, nasally, pretentious(for no reason) doughy troglodytes who think their version of football is superior to schools who actually win national championships…

Your Total Play:

Oklahoma St @ UTSA Over 60- Okkie St’s defense wasn’t tested by the cowbell shriekers last week, while Larry Cokehead has assembled a factory of remedial goons who somehow learn how to line up in formations & run plays, despite their opposable thumbs and a vast lacking of grey matter. Points will be aplenty while most people in town will be getting a tour of the Alamo’s basement…
