Wednesday, August 28, 2013

2013 BC Gonzo Pix of the Week: Week 1

2013 BC Gonzo Pix of Week

Week 1 aka “Tradition of Heritage Weak”

Welcome to the 10th year of the BC Gonzo Pix of the Week.  You’ve undoubtedly heard about the infamous 4 year hiatus of GonzoFixer and some of the hazy reasons – like extradition and a brief stint in the Nervous Hospital getting cleaned up from the Wild Turkey.  What you don’t know is that our site was swindled from us and sold to a sketchy porn outfit in Nicaragua.  The gutless turd (or parts of him) that now resides in Detroit knows what he did, and if I ever encounter him again, I’ll rip out his goddamn lungs.  Then again, maybe being banished to that end-stage shit hole is punishment enough… 

In any case, we here at GonzoFixer are disappointed with the proliferation of shock-jock, window-licking bloggers, fan-boys, and dudes who “Power Rank!” shit with slide shows who think that constitutes writing.  Over the past 4 years, the visionaries that we are have only intensified our acumen for picking winners and our collective hate, bitterness, and general bad vibes. 

But we’ll get into all that later.   Before we Get Down to Business, though, I’m happy to relaunch Gonzo’s Sage Advice.  Week 1’s Sage Advice is for you married Thugs:  Eatin’ Ain’t Cheatin’   

5 Star Platinum Pick

Georgia -1.5 @ Clemson: The state of Jaw-juh is a noxious combination of pretentious transplants that now claim Southern status!, 30+year old hipsters who drink PBR by choice, would-be ganstas hustling MARTA victims for Fanta change and rednecks perfecting the Meth Death Stare.  But one thing binds them together – the unyielding, very tired 10 month old mantra of “godamnit – we was only 5 yards and 5 seconds short against Bama” bit.  If their coaches, QBs and mouth-breathing fans can actually let that fucking dead horse die, they can focus on a big year.  Meanwhile, the Klempson faithful have high hopes and talent out the ass but will only disappoint once again with another water-head (But he played for the Tide!!) coaching them to their rightful 2nd tier status.  Look for Andy Murray and Co. to light up the score board in Dumb Valley and Monday’s radio waves to be filled with “HAYY! DEM BULLDAWGS GONE WIN DA SEC THIS HERE YEAR?”.        

5 Star Picks

Minnesota -14 vs. UNLV:  Unfortunately for the Gophers, the only headlines in the TC press they’ve garnered the past four years has been the ongoing moral debate about selling beer at TCF Stadium and not the ongoing ineptitude of the “U”’s football squad.  Well... what do you expect when name your team after a rodent that Thugs in North Dakota like to decapitate with rifle bullets for Sport.  Oh well – they’ll get their rare blowout at home over a Vegas team (led by their Dead Man Walking former Montana Rapist Grizzlies coach) more known for their off-season antics of gang-rape Bukkake sessions and playing in a shitty stadium that stoners fondly recall from last decade’s jam-band show (“Godaamn man – I got chills when Phish played Ghost at the 2004 show!!”)

Oklahoma -23.5 vs. LA Monroe:  The smuggest, smarmiest asshole of all D1 coaches (yes – he somehow managed to beat out Urban Crier) thinks he has found the next Johnny Manzeer (“Bro! Manzeer! Bro! Manzeer!”) in frosh QB Trevor Knight.  Well – he’s key-ect, assuming Trevor can pull off hamming it up with coke buddies, lying to the NCAA, developing bad meth acne, and generally coming across as Amerika’s next Douche Nozzle.  Anyway, look for Stoops and the Dust Bowl Okies to send the Injuns back on a trail of tears to the arm pit of NE Louisiana. 

4 Star Picks

Oklahoma State -12.5 vs. Miss. State: Speaking of the garbage fire otherwise known as the ill-fated land-grab otherwise known as Oklahoma, the state’s bastard-child Pokeys are hopeful they can pull off another 2011 and lose to a shitty team in November and bitch about the System Fuckin Us and secretly be thankful they didn’t get rolled by SEC Thugs.  Well, they get their chance to show the mighty SEC on Sattidy by beating up on the conference’s historic Gimp. Anyway, after this massacre in the Houston wasteland, I’ll call for a gloating victorious Gundy to give T. Boone a thumbs up reach-around!
Texas State +7.5 @ Southern Piss:  As Coach fRan enters his 3rd year at this bottom-feeder, he’s already getting itchy for his next career move. Only problem is – he’s 128 years old, has a nasty thyroid condition contributing to his morbid obesity, and still has the stigma of screwing his current wife when she merely 14.  In any case, He’s loaded up on JUCO’s in preparation for his kick-ass swansong, while Southern Piss still reels from a winless and hatless season chaired by a 1-hit wonderless grease brain – Ellis Johnson….  Ugh.

3 Star Picks (shits and giggles picks)

LSWho??? -4 vs. TCU: Public Service Announcement for the citizens of Arlington: Don't be alarmed by the rotund, tank-top wearing fans with limited communication skills who drag tents and beer coolers around as though they're surgically attached.  That's just passionate Tiger fans.  Aside from the pre-game story line of 2 grown men in a month long pissing contest about who plays and who doesn't, the suspense ends really quickly with a Bayou Beat Down at the World’s Largest Homage to the Crypt Keeper.

FAU +32.5 @ Miami: I’ve heard this game referred to as the “Schnellenberger Bowl”.  I suppose that means the 12,000 fans at (“Your COMPANY’S name here this week”) Stadium will have a collective flashback of their baby-sitting alcoholic, senile grandfather burning them with cigarettes while their parents enjoy “date-night” over a box of Chablis and a McDLT dinner. Anyway, the Owls somehow keep this respectable against the lifeless Canes still awaiting the NCAA jelly-finger.  Give a Hoot! Read a Book!

Ok For Now…..

BC Gonzo

The Fixer's Week One Prognostications

                                           Only known photo of The Fixer since 2008

“Come on over, baby, and jump into my Time Machine”…

You gotta admit, you missed us. You can’t honestly say that the last 3+ years were pleasant and fulfilling in terms of how your college football was presented to you. Oh, and please refer to our short time on the Facepage as the Bobby Ewing in the shower dream sequence, it never happened. I was sitting in front of my TV a few weeks ago, sampling the various clip joint networks treating college football fans like I treated my kid sister’s Barbie. And it’s about to get worse. The state of Florida should be designated the official cesspool for post-athletic dysplexic nimrods who are never held accountable for being “experts” at telling how to think about your favorite sport. My cats(yep, I have cats, dick) have coughed up more interesting things than analyzing a single tackle 5 billion times and showing the same 3 highlights over and over and over and… Let’s just go back to our favorite things: gawking at cheerleaders, making new friends in the bathroom, smuggling in bourbon & rooting for our favorite team… Thanks for tracking us down, we apologize for not leaving a forwarding address…

Thirsty Thursdays

Utah -3 vs Utah St- I like it when rivals bash heads at the beginning of the year. The Utes are promoting a “White Out” for this game, which means they want all their fans to not wear shirts & most of their players’ families aren’t allowed in t he stadium… The game kicks at dusk so the glare of pale skin won’t hamper the players from fielding passes from pasty rubber-armed Ichiod Crane wannabes…

North Carolina +11½ @ South Carolina- During my hiatus I worked as a janitor at the On The Border gift shop & taco stand & truck stop on the NC/SC border. Ever see a lot lizard make $14 the hard way without using her toes??? By the way, Dillon, SC sounds as dirty as it is. They recently elected a palmetto bug to congress…

Southern Cal -22 @ Hawaii- Faced with the overwhelming chore of replacing his daddy, Lane went ala Nittany Lions and grabbed a petterass to tighten up the D. The competition is on to see who the next Matt Leinart will be all-the-while probation and el nino continue to wear the Trojans thin. Too bad the Rainbow Warriors aren’t retiring Colt Brennan’s jersey to get the crowd above 5,000, the rest will be begging Jim Nebors to toss them free pineapples and visiting the site where Elvis impregnated Paula Austin.

Georgia -1½ @ Clemson- The last time the Tigers won a meaningful game I was leaving my C3P0 & Greedo dolls in the backyard for my dad to shred with the lawnmower as he jammed out to Juice Newton & Christopher Cross on his WalkMan. No, it wasn’t last season, but close… What’s a worse storyline: The f-ed up rock or the JawJuh mouth breathers still devastated about the Alabama games being on the radio in Hotlanta now???

BYU -3 @ Virginia- The last time I liked two Mormons in one week, I was playing the home game version of Big Love. There’s gotta be a better way to spend a Saturday than sitting in a stadium in Charlottesville complaining about the price of designer mouse pads and why everyone’s kids are named after someone else’s last name… "My daughter Covington was so sad when daddy fired the help for getting arm hair in his pea soup"

Nebraska -27½ vs Wyoming- I don’t know why I’m so turned off by Midwestern freckly dimwits, but they do play ball and they do make for great contestants on lose the fat shows.  My only request is that they allow the few hundred Cowboy fans 30 minutes to skip town before they pour into the streets devouring everything with a pulse. I guess Tom Osborne is safe…

Florida -23 vs Toledo- I totally expect the Pocket Rockets to be drained of all their bodily fluids well before halftime, unless the Gator fans have improved on their aim plunking opposing fans & players with piss-filled urethra bags. All the while some ricky busts into some veteraniarian office in Ocala to swindle horse tranquilizer while all the cops are feeling up bleach blondes in the Golden Corral parking lot.

Ohio St -35 vs Buffalo- I don’t really feel like a bashing of the Bucknuts would be productive. Since all you guys subscribe to the usual suspects of hammerheads writing the same article about the same shit, I’ll spare you. Let’s just say there’s no reason to think that any dogs will be called off when a coach and a pseudo-potential award-winning QB have to live up to the hype of the Four Letter Sports Channel.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dust Off Your Sanity...


Together since 1996, with a Phish-like breakup from 2009-2012… Former FWAA members… Huguenots… We’ll be bringing you winning picks, calling out your favorite sports idiots, and an occasional pod cast…

Since we last graced you with our presence, college football has taken some interesting turns. The bloggers have polluted the airwaves and internets with their ignorant rantings, cravings and overall stupidity. We here at GonzoFixer have bit our tongues long enough. So why not jump back into the college football fray, just kidding…  We are back from the black holes, Peruvian jungles, Antarctic ice fishing huts, and we will be ourselves from our old school daze. Why have things gone so horrible wrong while we were on sabbatical??? This isn’t that hard, but of course, the insolence, arrogance, and the “just sayin’” little bitch attitudes of those idiotic mouth breathers somehow keep the Twittering going.

Our number one focus has always been giving you all quality prognostications, and that will hold true. But in terms of how the interweb and Twerps and Faceplace and bloggers have ruined a once promising industry, we can’t allow some things to go unnoticed…

We are your reality check, we are here to get you all back on track, by focusing on the football itself, ignoring the popular speaking points, all the while making sure those nimrods who are paid by networks and two-bit web sites know we are onto their feeble attempts at journalism. We don’t give a shit what a QB from College Station does or if a former soldier is held back or if a 14yr old 5 star takes a crap and there’s a creepy middle aged man there to see if he ate corn for dinner last night…

Who has caused our acid reflux into high gear??? Pretty much everyone who gets unwarranted attention when they simply blow…

I’m not that angry, I’m in a good mood… So let’s play a game, it’s called “Can You Name the Stupid Site or Troglodyte”!! Its real simple: I’ll give you clues; you try to guess who or what we are talking about… Here… we… go!!

  1. This site started as a septic tank for clueless wanna-be writers who normally wouldn’t be touched with a 10ft clown pole by any “respected” sports organization. Their whole platform is slideshows & reposts from national sites. Then, as if the rest of the world exploded in one giant “WTF???”, they were asked to be the source for sports news by a national news org who can’t buy a vowel at this point. They love to “Power Rank” and tell you the “Winners & Losers” of every stupid non-story or event in the sports world. It’s as if your 9yr old pretentious nephew got hold of your iPhone and added comments to your photos you took 5 months ago.
  2. This numb nut globs a lot of hair gel to not look 40 even though he’s 35. He’s paid(why?) to offer varying opinions on any and every dumb story overblown by his network to get a rise out of the dirt road alumni fans who take every opinion personally. As a former QB, he smirks as others rip his shallow views on “physicality” and nasally Yankee twang accent.
  3. This former SEC window licker spent his college daze giving his QB roommate the old reach around. After breaking his neck in the NFL trying to suck his own pecker, he now wears thrift store suits and denies he has AIDS.
  4. “GRIDLOCK!!!” I’m a fucking clown who wears makeup and is let out of my cage for 3 hours every Saturday morning to act like an imbecile and bring joy to hapless idiots
  5. Our school almost got to the national Championship game but came up 5 yards short. We shudda won that game, despite giving up 350 yards rushing and numerous penalties for being undisciplined and addicted to the reefer. Now our fans can’t seem to stop whining about how close we came and have an ample supply of excuses as to why our white trash supporters piss & shit and throw garbage all over lour campus on game day.
  6. Frick & Frack getting told which side of an argument to be on as they trudge through an agonizing wrap up of the day’s football action. No one ever points out the fact that they both pick less than 30% yet are considered “experts”. But that Four Letter Sports Channel thinks you all are all brain dead hicks and forces their shtick upon you and you all sit there and take it like you’re in a prison shower.
  7. This may be generalized group, but I’ll say that any gutless turd who sits back and writes the predictable piece on any of the popular topics, like the NCAA being dipshits, or how a particular player has been unnecessarily ridiculed, or plays the race card, or purposely rails on a coach or team bc he’s a homer. They are the worst forms of life, period.