Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Fixer's WEEK 9 Makin' Bacon Selections


MINNESOTA +13½ vs Michigan- Too bad Harbaugh can’t be the one who’s retiring because he’s about to drop dead, this media obsession with him has gotten to the point where they’re all going to be speculating that he’s jumping right back to the NFL. And enough with his goddamn pants…

MARSHALL -17 @ UNC Charlotte- According to a VERY reputable source, the city of Charlotte changed its name from “Hitler City” just after WWII in order to avoid some very bad stereotyping. But they underestimated the will & desire of the dirt-spitting rednecks of that area, because they’ve done a great job keeping hate & persecution of minorities alive and well on Tobacco Road. If Billy Graham still knew he was alive, he’d be smiling…

GEORGIA +3 vs Florida- How many trailer trash kids are conceived in the alleyways of downtown Jacksonville during this decadent weekend? If you want to know the answer, turn on any “reality” show… Somewhere in the panhandle, there are 10yr olds watching “Party Down South” and dreaming of one day getting pregnant or into a brawl on that show…

KENTUCKY +8½ vs Tennessee- And speaking of trash, I’d stay off the freeways of the Volunteer & Bluegrass states this weekend, or you may get your car splattered with the urine of some Ricky Bobby who’s too methed out to stop the car to piss. “Sun Roof??? More like Fun Roof!!!”

STANFORD -12 @ Washington St- I actually saw some mouth breathers on that tweet site complaining about how that Saturday morning vomitfest football show on that four letter sports channel wasn’t going to broadcast from Pullman. They’re the same people who think the GOP debates are going well…

BALL ST -2½ vs UMass- I’ve held out on any references to my favorite holiday of the year simply because I want to scare the shit out of kids as I hand out boxes of raisins to little twerps in order to be able to say that I’m not contributing to childhood obesity and diabetes. Coca Cola & McDonald’s on the other hand, just pay off some scientologist to lie to your faces…

SOUTH CAROLINA +17 @ Texas A&M- So it sounds like Coach Summerfield promised Skyler or Kyle or whatever fucked up name his dipshit parents gave him, a bunch of playing time so he wouldn’t go to Austin. Now everyone’s involved in some soap opera drama bullshit and these coddled quarterback bitches are unhappy and mad at each other. Methinks Kevin, or Kelvin or Devin, whatever, will bolt to coach in the NFL the first chance he gets…

FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL -3 @ Florida Atlantic- The Battle For Lower Flor-Duh is upon us, and the 57 mile trek the Panthers’ fans will make up to Boca Raton only takes 2½ hours on Miami’s exquisite highway system. They’d be better off driving 2 miles from campus to Miami International Airport and flying the fuck up there… Meanwhile the U has to drive basically the same distance for all their home games because they’re all idiots…


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