-14 vs Calleforneeia- In true Ahnold speak, we have an additional 12 syllables
added to this pillow fight. And like Ahnold, the Coliseum is old, smelly, and
in need of lots of cosmetic repairs…
+8½ @ Texas San Antonio- It’s scary to think that none of the players in this
game were even born back when they filmed Cloak & Dagger in & around
the Riverwalk… Little Elliot must be rolling over in his grave…
-14 vs San Diego St- Okay, we get it, the blue turf was cute and semi-interesting
when you first came to the adults’ table. I’m tired of hearing about all the
goddamn birds whop die thinking it’s a lake… Blah blah blah…
-2 @ Miami of Flor-duh- There are a million other things I would rather do than
root for either team, and come to think of it, I’d rather watch the Paint
Drying Channel than see one second of this game. F$U has shown their colors…
ALL-Barn +2½ @ Jaw-Juh- I remember back to the
days when both of these college towns were full of cool people, musicians &
free love. Now, you’ll get arrested for public intox walking down the
street(instead of drunk driving) while the campus Christ-Punchers block you
from enjoying a beer in the local dive… ‘Merica!
Suthurn +3 @ Navy- There’s a reason the Allman Brothers finally called it
quits: Having to play Statesboro Blues 37,000 times kills your soul, and so
does living in that town.
vs New Mexico- I think Will Ferrel’s SNL cheerleader character is now the QB of
the Ags, which won’t matter since Los Lobos play defense like old people fuck…
vs Meechigan St- I had a crazy aunt who got confused one Xmas and sent everyone
crab cakes instead of fruit cakes… You can imagine where I’m going with this…
My Uncle still thinks those cherries were a little too ripe…
TENNESSEE -5 @ Flor-duh Internationale- My only time in Murphreesboro( I don’t
even care if I misspelled it) was spent sitting in a Logan’s Roadhouse watching
my ex-girlfriend wait tables and sell LSD to her teachers… Ft Lauderdale may be
chilly this weekend…
MEECHIGAN -15 vs Miami Oh Yeah- I’m very afraid of the ugly uniform factor in
this game. I’m also afraid of seahorses, the color brown & the movie “Burlesque”…
-17 vs Northwestern- The vile Northern Indiana folk are still seething after
losing the College Football Hall of Fame to Atlanta this Summer. Any place that
purposely makes it hard for you to buy booze deserves that and more…
vs Kentucky- The Battle of the Bourbons will go to Jack Daniels & George
Dickel. You can keep pouring Kentucky Gentleman & Old Crow & Early
Times, hillbillies…
@ Lower Alabama- City & county leaders in Mobile are arguing about what to
name a new bridge that they don’t have the money to pay for… Meanwhile, Dennis
Franchitti returns to the state that was even too backwards for him & his
weird family to breathe air in..