Only known photo of The Fixer since 2008
“Come on over, baby, and jump into my Time Machine”…
You gotta admit, you missed us. You can’t honestly say that the last 3+ years were pleasant and fulfilling in terms of how your college football was presented to you. Oh, and please refer to our short time on the Facepage as the Bobby Ewing in the shower dream sequence, it never happened. I was sitting in front of my TV a few weeks ago, sampling the various clip joint networks treating college football fans like I treated my kid sister’s Barbie. And it’s about to get worse. The state of Florida should be designated the official cesspool for post-athletic dysplexic nimrods who are never held accountable for being “experts” at telling how to think about your favorite sport. My cats(yep, I have cats, dick) have coughed up more interesting things than analyzing a single tackle 5 billion times and showing the same 3 highlights over and over and over and… Let’s just go back to our favorite things: gawking at cheerleaders, making new friends in the bathroom, smuggling in bourbon & rooting for our favorite team… Thanks for tracking us down, we apologize for not leaving a forwarding address…
Thirsty Thursdays
Georgia -1½ @ Clemson- The last time the Tigers won a meaningful game I was leaving my C3P0 & Greedo dolls in the backyard for my dad to shred with the lawnmower as he jammed out to Juice Newton & Christopher Cross on his WalkMan. No, it wasn’t last season, but close… What’s a worse storyline: The f-ed up rock or the JawJuh mouth breathers still devastated about the Alabama games being on the radio in Hotlanta now???
BYU -3 @ Virginia - The last time I liked two Mormons in one week, I was playing the home game version of Big Love. There’s gotta be a better way to spend a Saturday than sitting in a stadium in Charlottesville complaining about the price of designer mouse pads and why everyone’s kids are named after someone else’s last name… "My daughter Covington was so sad when daddy fired the help for getting arm hair in his pea soup"
Nebraska -27½ vs Wyoming- I don’t know why I’m so turned off by Midwestern freckly dimwits, but they do play ball and they do make for great contestants on lose the fat shows. My only request is that they allow the few hundred Cowboy fans 30 minutes to skip town before they pour into the streets devouring everything with a pulse. I guess Tom Osborne is safe…
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